Sunday, November 30, 2008

My 25th Birthday: 2nd of August 2008

The day began very early, I was in so much pain and the nurses caring for me where what I would call 'hopeless'. I asked to phone my mum at 4:30am as I was in so much pain I wanted her there to help me through it, I wasn't coping with it at all. Nothing felt like my birthday, I simply wanted to jump out of my body as I was in that much pain.

Mum arrived as quickly as she could and brought the 5 birthday cards and pressies with her to try and cheer me up. It was actually really nice to have her with me alone for sometime that morning as I hadn't had that and was feeling very scared and vunerable again and just wanted my mum. She promised me that I would have someone with me (either herself or dad) through out my time in hospital as I had lost all faith in the ward nurses due to how bad my night had been.

Later on that morning Leah Cowley arrived and was wonderful. She helped mum shower me and get me dressed for the oodles of visitors I had that day as it was my first day out of intensive care and my birthday. Leah realised that the pain relief I was on was not working for me and she made it her buisness to speak to the doctors about getting it changed for me. She was crucial to the improvment of my condition on many days, especially this one.

This was also the day I met my baby newphew Lenoard for the first time. It was in the afternoon and I had only my family around me, but I was overwhelmed by the number of people wanting to visit me and the pain mixed with the new drugs effecting me. When I held Lenoard I started crying and I cried like I have never cried before... I was crying with pain and exhaustion.

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