Friday, November 28, 2008


Day 8 of Intensive Care:

Today I was extubated. I was with my brother Isaac and within moments lost all tolerance to the tube down my throat. I was gaging profusely and convulsing from the lack of tolerance to the tube. My brother Isaac freaked out a little and called for a doctor. I was told no doctor could do it as they were in a meeting. Tears were streaming down my face as I was in so much pain from the tube and the sensation of being suffocated by it. My dad told the nurse that I needed attention and extubation immediantly as I was clearly not okay. Eventually a doctor was pulled out of the meeting to do my extubation, without the required amount of fellow doctors on the wards as they remained in the meeting.
I couldn't talk after I was extubated and my throat was raw. I remember being terrified that I may need to be reintubabted as I had a high risk of not coping without ventilation due to the severe lung damage I had endured. My chest was so, so tight and I could only manage to breathe by sitting up really straight on my bed with pillow propped behind me, and concentrating on breathing. I couldn't talk or listen well as it would distract me from the task of breathing. My broken ribs ached from the force to needed to use to suck the breaths in, but I knew it was the only thing I could do, or I would end up reintubate.

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