Friday, November 28, 2008

The Begining: 23 of July 2008

It was an overcast day and I was going to work an 8:30 till 5pm shift in the Antenatal Clinic of the Mater Mothers Hospital. I was house sitting for a friend at work, living at everton hills. I had my little baby blue vespa which I drove to work, extra carefully that day as the roads were a bit wet.

I was on Kelvin grove rd waiting at the lights nearly at the normanby fiveways, and as I was waiting for the lights to go green I heard screeching from behind me. I looked into my rearview mirror and saw a white hilux screeching towards me. I tried to scramble out of the way and go along side the car infront of me, but as my feet hit the ground I knew the car was about to hit me. I am not sure why, but I relaxed my body as I knew I was about to be hit and there was nothing I could do.

Next thing I knew I found myself sandwiched between the 4-wheel drive infront of me and the one that hit me from behind. The drivers had to drive forwards and backwards to be able to get to me and I felt as though I was ran over again when they did that. I was lying on the road and it started spitting from the sky. The driver who hit me ran over to me and was hysterical, asking if I was okay. I was trying to get hit to sit me up and take my helmet off as I couldn't breath. Another witness came over to me as stopped the driver from moving as we were not sure what damage had been done. I was moaning and gasping for breath, whilst coughing up blood. I knew my lungs were filling with blood and I was in excrushiating pain.
I told the witness who was consoling me (Sue) to call my mum, and then to call Brooke Ledden. I told her to tell Brooke to call Ben Argent, which she did. An ambulance had been phoned and we were waiting for it to arrive. It felt like eternity for me, but I have been told that it took about 10minutes.

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