Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wed 20th August

First physio appointment was cancelled today by my physio (Peter Stanton @ UQ sports and physio center). I felt very dissapointed with that as I was desperate for help with my mobility and pain.

> Showering
> Cooking
> Cleaning
> Laundry
> Driving

MEDICATIONS: (As per discharge meds summary) + 2x endone

TRAVEL: To Chermside shops from Dayboro and home for food.

Tues 19th August

Felt incredibly nauseous from the pain, barely coping with the nerve pain.

> Showering
> Cooking
> Cleaning
> Laundry
> Driving

MEDICATIONS: (As per discharge meds summary) + 2x endone

TRAVEL: Stayed at dayboro

Mon 18th August

I went home to mum's place at dayboro today. It was a long and painful ride home and I almost passed out when I got out of the car at mum's. Bruce and mum had attempted to build me a ramp to get me into the house safely on a wheelchair but the 3 steps were too steep so they carried me instead.
Within a few hours of being home I had realised I wasn't given my endone on discharge and was in horrible pain. Mum and I drove to the nearest GP in Samford who prescribed and dispensed some straight away which helped me.

> Showering
> Cooking
> Cleaning
> Laundry
> Driving

MEDICATIONS: (As per discharge meds summary) + 2x endone


From: Hospital to Dayboro
From: Dayboro to Samford village (GP) & home

Hospital continued

I continued my stay in hospital in ward 9a south, untill the 18th of August. Please see hospital notes for further details.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My 25th Birthday: 2nd of August 2008

The day began very early, I was in so much pain and the nurses caring for me where what I would call 'hopeless'. I asked to phone my mum at 4:30am as I was in so much pain I wanted her there to help me through it, I wasn't coping with it at all. Nothing felt like my birthday, I simply wanted to jump out of my body as I was in that much pain.

Mum arrived as quickly as she could and brought the 5 birthday cards and pressies with her to try and cheer me up. It was actually really nice to have her with me alone for sometime that morning as I hadn't had that and was feeling very scared and vunerable again and just wanted my mum. She promised me that I would have someone with me (either herself or dad) through out my time in hospital as I had lost all faith in the ward nurses due to how bad my night had been.

Later on that morning Leah Cowley arrived and was wonderful. She helped mum shower me and get me dressed for the oodles of visitors I had that day as it was my first day out of intensive care and my birthday. Leah realised that the pain relief I was on was not working for me and she made it her buisness to speak to the doctors about getting it changed for me. She was crucial to the improvment of my condition on many days, especially this one.

This was also the day I met my baby newphew Lenoard for the first time. It was in the afternoon and I had only my family around me, but I was overwhelmed by the number of people wanting to visit me and the pain mixed with the new drugs effecting me. When I held Lenoard I started crying and I cried like I have never cried before... I was crying with pain and exhaustion.
Friday the 1st of August:

Moved from Intensive care to 9a south. Moved onto a faulty bed mattress which caused excrushiating pain overnight. Was in a RSV(Resistant bug) positive ward, in a 4 bed bay surrounded by VERY sick patients.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Day 8 of Intensive Care:

Today I was extubated. I was with my brother Isaac and within moments lost all tolerance to the tube down my throat. I was gaging profusely and convulsing from the lack of tolerance to the tube. My brother Isaac freaked out a little and called for a doctor. I was told no doctor could do it as they were in a meeting. Tears were streaming down my face as I was in so much pain from the tube and the sensation of being suffocated by it. My dad told the nurse that I needed attention and extubation immediantly as I was clearly not okay. Eventually a doctor was pulled out of the meeting to do my extubation, without the required amount of fellow doctors on the wards as they remained in the meeting.
I couldn't talk after I was extubated and my throat was raw. I remember being terrified that I may need to be reintubabted as I had a high risk of not coping without ventilation due to the severe lung damage I had endured. My chest was so, so tight and I could only manage to breathe by sitting up really straight on my bed with pillow propped behind me, and concentrating on breathing. I couldn't talk or listen well as it would distract me from the task of breathing. My broken ribs ached from the force to needed to use to suck the breaths in, but I knew it was the only thing I could do, or I would end up reintubate.

Second Surgery: 26 July 2008

Day 3:

Today I was taken back to theatre for my second surgery to remove the packs from my liver and see how my liver was going. The surgeons were very pleased when they discovered that my packs had only a very small spot of bile on them. This meant that my digestive track and bile function had potentionally not been affected too badly, which is important to the future of my digestion and liver function.

The Begining: 23 of July 2008

It was an overcast day and I was going to work an 8:30 till 5pm shift in the Antenatal Clinic of the Mater Mothers Hospital. I was house sitting for a friend at work, living at everton hills. I had my little baby blue vespa which I drove to work, extra carefully that day as the roads were a bit wet.

I was on Kelvin grove rd waiting at the lights nearly at the normanby fiveways, and as I was waiting for the lights to go green I heard screeching from behind me. I looked into my rearview mirror and saw a white hilux screeching towards me. I tried to scramble out of the way and go along side the car infront of me, but as my feet hit the ground I knew the car was about to hit me. I am not sure why, but I relaxed my body as I knew I was about to be hit and there was nothing I could do.

Next thing I knew I found myself sandwiched between the 4-wheel drive infront of me and the one that hit me from behind. The drivers had to drive forwards and backwards to be able to get to me and I felt as though I was ran over again when they did that. I was lying on the road and it started spitting from the sky. The driver who hit me ran over to me and was hysterical, asking if I was okay. I was trying to get hit to sit me up and take my helmet off as I couldn't breath. Another witness came over to me as stopped the driver from moving as we were not sure what damage had been done. I was moaning and gasping for breath, whilst coughing up blood. I knew my lungs were filling with blood and I was in excrushiating pain.
I told the witness who was consoling me (Sue) to call my mum, and then to call Brooke Ledden. I told her to tell Brooke to call Ben Argent, which she did. An ambulance had been phoned and we were waiting for it to arrive. It felt like eternity for me, but I have been told that it took about 10minutes.