Monday, May 11, 2009

April 2009

April 2009:

Wednesday 1st April ‘09

Unable to work due to pain- Day off sick. Mum came and looked after me for day.

> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Milton and back

Thursday 2nd April '09

8am physio appointment with Peter Stanton.
10am appointment with Thomas Clearly ($100 own expense)

Domestic Cares:
> Laundry
> Cleaning

From: Milton
To: St Lucia
To: Stretton and back to Milton

Friday 3rd April '09

Worked in antenatal clinic 8:30am - 2:30pm. Quite sore after shift. Required 10mg of oxycontin to relieve.
Doing all domestic cares myself.

Saturday & Sunday 4th + 5th April '09

Had a friend's hen's celebration on saturday night which I left early from due to pain in my leg and back whilst out. Spent sunday with father for assistance and support due to large amounts of pain.

Monday 6th April '09

Work 8:30am - 5pm in Antenatal clinic. First full 8hr day. Very sore afterwards but felt really good to not leave halfway through doing something at work. Felt like I was contributing to the team for the first time.
Had MRI of spine (ordered by Dr Ray) at 9:15pm.

Domestic cares:
> Driving (MRI)

Milage: Return trip
From: Milton
To: Woolongabba

Tuesday 7th April '09

Worked 8:30am till 5pm in Antenatal clinic. Had to work back to back shifts due to the clinic being closed over easter. I was very sore after this shift but managed with extra pain relief.

Wednesday 8th April '09

Appointment Dr Rice 8:45am - Discussed mixed feeling with being back at work. The pain makes being there hard and quite distracting, however I feel better about myself when working full shifts.
Appointment Peter Stanton physio 11:30am.

Return trip
From- Milton
To- Wickham tce to St Lucia

Thursday 9th April '09

Appointment with Dr Tran 9am.
Spent the day resting

Return trip
From- Milton
To- Albany Creek

Friday 10th till Monday 13th April '09

Away at Byron for easter with family. Unable to camp with due to back pain. Stayed at Peppers resort in Fingal Bay.

Tuesday 14th April '09

Worked 7:30am till 4pm (Inala clinic). Good day at work. Body coped well having had rested for few days.
Appointment with Physio Peter Stanton 6pm

Travel- return trip
From: Milton
To: St Lucia

Wedneday 15th April '09

Work: 8:30am - 5pm. Quite sore today, extra pain relieft required.

Thursday 16th April '09

Work: 8:30am - 5pm. Quite sore again today, required more pain relief.

Friday 17th April '09

Worked: 8:30am - 5pm. Very sore, unable to attend friday night dinner plans as was not able to walk properly due to pain.

Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th April '09

Went to friends wedding on saturday and left quite early due to left leg pain. Spent sunday recovering, however pain only increased as the day continued. Pain relief had lapsed accidently as I had unintentionally ran out of patches- my pain hit an extreme level sunday evening. I took 20mg of oxycontin to help this situation. This completely wiped me out and I was unable to walk. My body was in extreme pain and my sister had to look after me.

Domestic care: By sister
> Cleaning
> Cooking
> Driving

Monday 20th April '09

Unable to walk on monday due to continued extreame pain, so was unable to work 8:30-5pm shift. Called in sick.

Domestic cares: By sister
> Cooking
> Cleaning
> Driving

Tuesday 21st April '09

Appointment with Dr Rice 8am. Discussed the extreame pain I was experiencing and Dr Rice agreed I required till Friday to recover.

Travel: Return trip
From- Milton
To- Wickham Tce

Wednesday 22nd April '09

Did not work today as was unable to cope with the pain.
Went to Royal Brisbane Hospital for orthopedic outpatient appointment at 9:30am- Driven by friend as I was unable to concentrate driving due to the pain.
Monday 20th April '09


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