Monday, March 2, 2009

Daily Summary - October

Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th October

Moved into my father’s house so that my mother could return to work and I could be closer to facilities such as the hydrotherapy pool at sanctuary pool at Spring Hill.
Excruciating symptoms of bleeding when going to the toilet remain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: Spring Hill

Monday 6th October

Hydrotherapy appointment cancelled by the pool due to Marion being sick. Did own hydrotherapy session at friend’s pool.
Continue to bleed with defecation. Extremely painful on top of nerve pain in left leg.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 7th October

* 10am appointment with physio Peter Stanton. Painful session with minimal progression of Left leg.
* 1:30 Hydrotherapy session with Marion Slattery.
* Feeling depressed due to the constant pain and lack of improvement.
* Had acupuncture by Dad in the evening.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia and then Albany Creek

Wednesday 8th October

* Had a trip to Perth booked and pain for to visit a friend prior to the accident. Was unable to take this trip as I was in too much pain and still requiring too much support: ie- showering. This trip was credited ($800 flight) and I am waiting for further healing to take the trip.
* 10am GP appointment with Dr Tran. Trying to be positive, but feeling very sad and depressed about current state of pain. Discussed referral to Gastroenterologist due to continued pain and bleeding when defecating.
* Explained to Dr Tran that I am having trouble-having sex/ being intimate with my partner as it hurts and gives me increased nerve pain. This is negatively effecting my relationship with my partner.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Albany Creek

Thursday 9th October

* Cancelled pschologist appointment with Sigrid O’Callagham due to vomiting and abdominal pain. These symptoms were due to the pain I experienced overnight and the lack of sleep I was continuously having due to the pain. I have attempted to help this by increasing my sleeping medication (temazepam to 1 tablet before bed).
* Hydro appointment at 1:30pm with Marion Slattery.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Albany Creek

Friday 10th October

* Stayed at home and rested due to poor sleep and pain. Wanted to get ahead on midwifery masters study but was unable to concentrate when reading due to the pain and discomfort. Found this very disheartening and upsetting, once again felt depressed regarding circumstances.
* Taking suppositories to help with defecation pain and bleeding. Minimal effect.
* Reduced Kapanol medication by 10mg today.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Saturday 11th October

* Caught up with friends. Was asked a lot about the accident and found it hard to talk about, but also had little other to discuss with them as my life has revolved around my recovery.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Sunday 12th October

* Felt increased pain in left leg due to reduced Kapanol on Friday.
* Unable to eat wheat products due to pain and bloating which has significantly changed since the accident. Was able to eat wheat without a problem prior to the accident.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Monday 13th October

* Tried mediation to help the pain during the day.
* Went to pool and did own hydrotherapy for pain relief.
* Drank lots of organic prune juice to help with defecation and softness of stool- good effect. Continued to do this daily. Bought ($8 prune Juice 2x/ wk).

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Westend (meditation)

Tuesday 14th October

* 10am Physio session with Peter Stanton.
* 1:45pm Hydrotherapy session with Marion Slattery.
* Went to relaxation center for a session called ‘Pick yourself up’: Due to feeling depressed and down about myself since the accident. Cost of session $20. The session was good and gave me some good direction.
* Woke up this evening crying in my sleep from the pain. Dreaming about being beat up in my sleep often.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia and Albany Creek

Wednesday 15th October

* Dad and Jacquie (who I live with) are away, so friend Brooke Ledden stayed at Father’s house to assist me with daily living activities.
* 10am went to dentist to get wisdom teeth out x2. Excruciating pain as it was extra sensitive due to the nerve hypersensitivity in my body.
* Left leg was spasming during the day. Very painful and sensitive.
* Discussed night teeth grinding with the dentist and was fitted with a mouth guard to help with this. The grinding only started after the accident and is related to the pain I feel when sleeping.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Newmarket

Thursday 16th October

* Dad and Jacquie (who I live with) are away, so friend Brooke Ledden stayed at Father’s house to assist me with daily living activities.
* Attempted to do midwifery study and work on UK midwifery registration, was unable to due to discomfort and pain when sitting.
* Went to shop with Brooke and was unable to walk very far and required a trolley to carry items.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Friday 17th October

* Dad and Jacquie (who I live with) are away, so friend Brooke Ledden stayed at Father’s house to assist me with daily living activities.
* Reduced Kapanol 10mg today, although the pain is still very much there and horrible to cope with, I figure it is there regardless of the level of pain relief to some degree and would prefer to attempt to get off all opioids as soon as possible as I am very aware of the long term negative effects and addiction potential.
* Unable to attend social event with friends due to pain and lack of mobility. This is very upsetting and depressing for me and I am finding it hard to accept.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Saturday 18th October

* Dad and Jacquie (who I live with) are away, so friend Brooke Ledden stayed at Father’s house to assist me with daily living activities.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today

Sunday 19th October

* Dad and Jacquie (who I live with) are away, so friend Brooke Ledden stayed at Father’s house to assist me with daily living activities.
* Woke up crying in sleep again from the nerve pain. Dreamt about being beat up in my sleep again.
* Bleeding reduced when defecating today. Very happy about this.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Monday 20th October

* 2pm appointment with Dr Rice. Appointment went well. Discussed pain management and the fact that I don’t want to have the cordal injection just yet as I am hoping my pain will improve in time. Explain to Dr Rice I am in constant pain currently. Dr Rice advised to stop weaning off Kapanol for now, and to use the pain relief to help with rehabilitation.
* Decided to see Dr Rice for psychology and pain management, notified workcover of this.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Wickham Tce

Tuesday 21st October

* 10am Physio with Peter Stanton. Discussed the fact that I feel very internally ‘bound up’ by the abdominal scar. Experiencing pain along the scar line daily with movement. Physio advised manovering my scar from side to side with finger pressure. Have been doing this since and also have been putting Rosehip oil on my scar daily to reduce the appearance of it.
* Feel very self conscious by scar and unable to show this part of my body. My partner and I experiencing intimacy issue due to the pain and the issue of body image related to my scar.
* 1:30pm Hydro appointment with Marion Slattery.
* Mum (who is a yoga & meditation teacher) did a meditation session with my to help me cope with the pain and increase my lung volume.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia and Albany Creek

Wednesday 22nd October

* Went to the dentist to collect the plate made recently to help me stop grinding my teeth in my sleep. Cost over $600, and this was the cheaper option available.
* Unable to sit at the restaurant my family and I went to for lunch due to pain when sitting on the wooden chair.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Newmarket

Thursday 23rd October (3 months since accident)

* Went into work for the first time and handed in assignment for Neonatal Intensive Care Course (which I had on me the day of the accident).
* Realised I felt anxious and stressed when seeing people wearing the uniform as the last time I had seen my work uniform it was cut off me.
* I was bombarded with friends and acquaintances at work asking me about the accident, which I found quite distressing.
* Met with my midwifery boss and discussed a back to work role.
* Felt completely exhausted at the end of the day from doing this.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Woolongabba

Friday 24th October

* Did my own hydrotherapy at sanctanary pool.
* Attempted to drive a friend’s automatic car and had to pull over due to being scared on the road.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: City

Saturday 25th October

* Went to friend’s engagement party this evening and found it very hard to discuss the accident with so many people. It was one of the first times I was exposed to so many of my friends at once and found it quite hard as I appear to have healed very well but my pain is still hard to bear.
* Had to take extra endone following the party from being on my feet too long.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Paddington

Sunday 26th October

* Caught up with friends and again attempted to drive a automatic car and found one of the triggers that made me very anxious behind the wheel is seeing other scooter drivers on the road. Seeing scooter drivers on the road gave me flash backs of the accident.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 27th October

* Very painful day. Woke up from a broken painful sleep. The sheets were wet from the pain I had during the night, as it makes me sweat.
* I felt very nauseous all day due to the pain.
* My scar felt particularly bad today- like I was being sliced from the inside out.
* I tried remedies such as: extra pain relief, taking a bath, meditating. All had little to no effect on my increased pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Wilston (support from sister)

Tuesday 28th October

* 11am appointment with Dr Rice. Advised me to start meditating, which I already had been.
* 1:30pm appointment Hydrotherapy with Marion Slattery.
* Pain was more tolerable today than yesterday.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Wickham tce and then Albany Creek

Wednesday 29th October

* 9am psychologist appointment- Discussed the effects of the accident on my relationship with Ben and how we have become strained as I am in constant pain and this effects us greatly.
* 10am appointment with GP Dr Tran.
* 11:30am appointment with Dr Clark at Holy Spirit Northside, for rectal bleeding and pain++. Dr Clark discovered fresh and old blood in my colon/ rectum. He explained I have an over-distended colon and the fact that I was not aware of this is potentially related to nerve damage.
* I was very disappointed and upset after hearing this news as I thought it was internal haemorrhoids.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Albany Creek then Chermside.

Thursday 30th October

* 10am physio appointment. Peter told me to increase my fitness/ swimming. I took this advise onboard and went and did a hydro session of my own afterwards.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia

Friday 31st October

* Went to the coast with Ben and found it very hard to lay on the beach. Obviously this was disappointing as I was unable to go in the surf with him either as my balance was not strong enough for the surf. Felt very incapable of fun, which made me sad and depressed.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Sunshine coast

Saturday 1st November

* Had a friend’s hen’s night on that I was unable to enjoy much as I was in a lot of pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Indropilly

Sunday 2nd November

* Stayed at Ben’s house and was unable to sleep in his bed as his mattress aggravated my pain too much. Had to come home in the middle of the night and this triggered a fight between us as we have little to no intimacy happening due to my pain.
* Ben and I also discussed the fact that potentials to start a family soon is highly unlikely due to my condition and pain. Both very disappointed and sad about that.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Everton Park

Monday 3rd November

* 9:30am appointment with Dr Rice.
* 2:30pm appointment with physio Peter Stanton.
* Bought an automatic car today. I bought a volvo station wagon purely because of the safety aspects of the car. Unable to drive it yet as I feel too vunerable on the road.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Wickham tce & then St Lucia.

Tuesday 4th November

* Did my first exercise other than hydro since the accident. Did my mother’s yoga class. Found this good, but very painful and had to skip most of the exercises.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Samford

Wednesday 5th November

* Check up with the dentist regarding my mouth guard. He explained that my muscle fibers in my mouth seemed looser, which was indicative of it working.
* Saw my sisters who were very supportive as I was feeling quietly very depressed about my pain and change in life course.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Newmarket

Thursday 6th November

* Did my own hydrotherapy.
* Was going to catch up with friends but had to come home as my left leg was hurting so much I was unable to walk properly.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Paddington

Friday 7th November

* 9:30am physio with Peter Stanton.
* 10:30 am acupuncture ($45), paid for myself, not covered by work cover.
* 1pm Hydrotherapy with Marion Slattery.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia

Saturday 8th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel.

Sunday 9th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel.

Monday 10th November

* Went to a home midwifery association meeting to get involved with the midwifery scene again. Felt very exposed there as I was still using my walking aid and people were asking me what happened.
* Bled quite a lot today when I defecated. Increased prune intake.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 11th November

* 11am Physio appointment with Peter Stanton.
* 2:30pm Hydrotherapy with Marion Slattery.
* Having relationship problems with Ben due to feeling unable to ‘please’ and having little to give due to pain and constant discomfort.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia & Albany Creek.

Wednesday 12th November

* Did my own hydrotherapy.
* Caught up with friends and decided to move out into a supportive share house in the near future as I need to take control of some elements of my life even though I still need support, in order to gain some confidence and happiness back.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Paddington

Thursday 13th November

* Did my own hydrotherapy session.
* Lots of pain today, required an extra endone tablet. This usually effects my bowels 24hrs afterwards, but was necessary.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 14th November

* 9:30am physio with Peter Stanton.
* 11am acupuncture ($45). The acupuncture is attempting to help with my digestive troubles and help ease the pain when defecating.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia

Saturday 15th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Sunday 16th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Monday 17th November

* 11am appointment with Dr Rice.
* Did yoga in the evening with my mother, slight improvement from the last time.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Wickham tce then Samford.

Tuesday 18th November

* 10:30am physio with Peter Stanton.
* Lots of pain today, required extra pain relief- endone.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia

Wednesday 19th November

* Did my own hydrotherapy session.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 20th November

* Did yoga with mum again to build strength back. Lots of pain, but again better than last time.
* Unable to get out of bed for most of the day. Too sore and depressed about being sore and the effect it is having on my life.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Samford

Friday 21st November

* 2:30pm- Physio appointment with Peter Stanton
* 3:30pm- Accupuncture ($45).
* Unable to join friends in social events this evening due to mobility restrictions, as a result of the nerve pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia

Saturday 22nd November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Sunday 23rd November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Monday 24th November

* 10:15am appointment with Dr Rice.
* Another fight with Ben regarding my needs and his needs not aligning. The strain of the accident is wearing thin on the relationship.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Wickham tce

Tuesday 25th November

* Yoga with mum. Slightly improved movement range.
* 2:30pm physio session with Peter Stanton.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia then Samford

Wednesday 26th November

* 10am session with psychologist Sigrid. Discussed the relationship issues I am experiencing with Ben since the accident.
* 11:15am appointment with Dr Tran.
* Started driving my car today and felt a little less vulnerable behind the wheel than before.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Albany Creek

Thursday 27th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 28th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 29th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Sunday 30th November

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 1st December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 2nd December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Wednesday 3rd December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 4th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 5th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 6th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Sunday 7th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 8th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 9th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Wednesday 10th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 11th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 12th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 13th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Sunday 14th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 15th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 16th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Wednesday 17th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 18th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 19th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 20th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Sunday 21st December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 22nd December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 23rd December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Wednesday 24th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 25th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 26th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 27th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Sunday 28th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 29th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 30th December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Wednesday 31st December

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 1st January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Friday 2nd January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 3rd January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Sunday 4th January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Monday 5th January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Tuesday 6th January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Wednesday 7th January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Thursday 8th January

* Did my own hydrotherapy session.

Domestic Cares:

> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Friday 9th January

* Did my own hydrotherapy session.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Saturday 10th January

* Away with friends for friends wedding. Found I needed extra pain relief for late outings due to extra movement during the day.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Sunday 11th January

* Away with friends. Again, needed extra pain relief to keep up with usual activities during day such as general walking.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Monday 12th January

* Away with friends. Was happier being able to discuss current state for feelings with friends and felt a sense of reassurance that I still held my friendships prior to the accident as I felt less of a person due to lack of involvement in social scene since accident.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Tuesday 13th January

* Away with friends. Needed a bath today to help ease the pain at the end of the day. Required extra pain relief.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Wednesday 14th January

* Home from trip away with friends for friend’s wedding. Felt exhausted and in more pain due to extra movement.
* Coping better with bowel pain and constipation from pain relief.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Thursday 15th January

* 10am appointment with Psychologist Sigrid O’Callaham. Discussed break down of relationship with Ben. I felt very upset with circumstances after being at my friend’s wedding as I had hoped Ben and I would be potentially getting married and/or starting a family this year. However, since my accident I have found it very hard to behave the way he knows me as I am in constant pain and am less enthusiastic about life because of that. The ripple effect has made Ben and I fight a lot as a couple and question our future together.
* 1pm Physio appointment with Peter Stanton.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Albany Creek then St Lucia

Friday 16th January

* Slept most of day as I was in a lot f pain and found it difficult to move without triggering more. Had extra endone to help with the pain.
* Did own hydrotherapy session.
Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon (friend’s pool)

Saturday 17th January

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Sunday 18th January

* Friend form the Uk visited to give me information regarding my UK midwifery registration process and UK nursing jobs.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Monday 19th January

* Worked on UK midwifery registration with friend from the UK.
* Needed extra pain relief today from trying to keep up with my friend and his general daily activities.
* Did own hydrotherapy session

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Tuesday 20th January

* Did own hydrotherapy session today.
* Worked on UK neonatal nursing work and UK midwifery registration with friend from the UK again.
* Pain was more tolerable today than yesterday.
* Was told I yelled out ‘Owe’ and was moaning in my sleep with pain.
Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Wednesday 21st January

* Did own hydrotherapy session.
* Lots of pain and bleeding when defecating today. Had accidentally eaten wheat yesterday (small amount). This required extra pain relief to help relieve.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Thursday 22nd January

* 10am appointment with Dr Tran. Received a summary of work restrictions for return to work programme.
* 11:30am appointment with Peter Stanton physio.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Albany Creek then St Lucia.

Friday 23rd January- 6 months since accident today.

* 8am yoga with mother. Slightly more movement than last class.
* Did own hydrotherapy session.
Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 24th January

* Did own hydrotherapy session.
* Walking with a limp today from the pain on left leg/ right hip.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Sunday 25th January

* Did own hydrotherapy session today.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Monday 26th January

* Did own hydrotherapy session today.
* Was meant to go to the beach with friends but decided not t as I was uncomfortable showing my scar in public and felt very self conscious about it and also was not comfortable last time I lay on the sand and hurt my back. Stay in instead and felt quite down about that.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Tuesday 27th January

* 11:30am physio appointment with Peter Stanton.
* 1pm appointment with work. Discussed back to work role and schedual. Was very disappointed that I would not be going back to work in the same capacity or role as before.
Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: St Lucia then Woolongabba.

Wednesday 28th January

* Did own hydrotherapy session.
* Lots of pain in pelvis today, hard to walk from it.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Thursday 29th January

* Did own hydrotherapy session today.
* Attempted meditation and yoga on own to help with pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon (friend’s pool for hydro)

Friday 30th January

* Own hydrotherapy session today.
* Pain slightly improved today but was told from flat mates that I was yelling ouch in my sleep again and had woken up in a sweat.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From:Spring Hill
To: Bardon

Saturday 31st January

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Sunday 1st February

* Own hydrotherapy session today.
* Feeling very nervous about returning to work next week and having to put uniform on again for the first time since the accident.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Spring HIll

Monday 2nd February

* 8:45am appointment with Dr Rice.
* 10:30am appointment with Dr Tran.
* Grandfather died today, very sad I did not get to see him before he died or since the accident.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Spring Hill then Albany Creek.

Tuesday 3rd February

* Worked for the first time in Antenatal clinic 8:30am till 12:30am.
* Felt sore and tired at the end of the shift.
* Dissapointed I am not returning to work in the same capacity as I left work in. Very disheartening I feel as though the accident has set me back professionally.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba

Wednesday 4th February

* Rested after working yesterday, had quite a painful morning.
* Did own hydrotherapy session.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Spring HIll

Thursday 5th February

* 1130am appointment with physio Peter Stanton.
* Had a fall today and had significantly increased pain afterwards, required endone.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia

Friday 6th February

* Was meant to work second shift today (8:30am till 12:30am), too sore after fall yesterday and decided it was not a good idea.
* Rested.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Saturday 7th February

* Extra pain from fall decreased today.
* Constant nerve pain in left leg, unable to socialise with friends as I was too sore today.
Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Sunday 8th February

* Grandfather’s funeral.
* Had trouble standing for the ceremony due to the pain in my left leg and back.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Goldcoast

Monday 9th February

* 2:45pm appointment to see Dr Lanigan regarding scar treatment. Queried if I could have something put into my scar to help it relax, as it feels ‘binded’ against my organs since the accident.
* My abdomen doesn’t digest as well as it used to before the accident and I have trouble digesting certain foods such as wheat and I thought scar treatment might help in some way.
* Unfortunately there is nothing Dr Lanigan could do to help my scar’s symptoms or appearance.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Wickham Tce

Tuesday 10th February

* 9am appointment with physio Peter Stanton.
* Worked 1-5pm in Antenatal Clinic.
* Had lots of pain in the middle of my lower back, which is more than it, used to be, Peter is focusing on helping that in the physio sessions at the moment.
* Pain at work enough to make me slightly distracted from my task and unable to concentrate as well as I remember being able to before the accident.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia then Woolongabba

Wednesday 11th February

* Worked 1-5pm in Antenatal Clinic.
* Trying to understand that this is a transitional phase at work, but still feeling very disappointed at the lack of control I have over my situation professionally and the time lost and further time it will take to get back to where I already was prior to the accident.
* Finding work painful and upsetting as it is not rewarding as I do lesser jobs than I used to due to my injuries.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba

Thursday 12th February

* 8am appointment Thomas Creevey to help with bone alignment.
* 1:30pm appointment with physio Peter Stanton.
* Pain reduced this afternoon, no extra pain relief required after appointments.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Stretton then St Lucia

Friday 13th February

* 8:30am appointment for Cordall Injection at Conossa Private Hospital. Proceedure by Dr Ray.
* In large amounts of pain afterwards++.
* Unable to do anything else for the rest of the day.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Canossa Hospital, Oxley.

Saturday 14th February

* Recovering from procedure, still in lots more pain than normal and feeling numb along my left buttock.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Sunday 15th February
* Left side of buttock remained numb and body very tender. Extra pain relief required to get through the day (endone).
* Feeling very disappointed that I am feeling no relief from the cordal injection.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Monday 16th February

* Feeling little positive effect from the cordal injection.
* 9:30am appointment with Dr Rice.
* 11:15 appointment with Dr Tran.
* 5:45pm meditation class.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: Wickham tce then Albany creek then Samford

Tuesday 17th February

* 9:30am physio appointment with Peter Stanton.
* Worked in Antenatal Clinic 1-5pm.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia then Woolongabba

Wednesday 18th February

* Did own hydrotherapy session.
* Pain slightly more tolerable today.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Spring Hill

Thursday 19th February

* Work 8:30am – 12:30am in Antenatal Clinic
* Coped better with this shift than any other shift so far. Better at concentrating on task and coping with the pain of sitting for long periods of time or walking faster than I do outside of the work environment.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba

Friday 20th February

* 8am appointment with Physio Peter Stanton.
* Worked on back pain again- definitely increased back pain since the cordal injection.
* Had a weird numb sensation in left arm and hand for the first time today, similar to the numb sensation in left leg.
* Caught up with a friend from work and ended up in tears discussing my career, realised how upset I am with where I am at professionally due to the accident.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia

Saturday 21st February

* Woke with pain in back and left leg.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


No related travel today.

Sunday 22nd February

* Stayed home all day due to back pain and left leg pain.
* Decided to start taking regular pain relief again as the cordal injection has not covered enough pain relief to allow me to stay off the medication (even though I very much want to be off the medication).

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No related travel today.

Monday 23rd February

* Worked 10am – 2pm in Antenatal Clinic.
* 2:45pm appointment with Dr Rice- discussed new pain relief regime (5-10mg of oxycontin/ morphine, twice a day).
* Started my midwifery masters again. Was meant to have finshed my masters but could not complete it due to the accident 2nd semester 2008. Have decided to do one subject per semester this year as opposed to 2 subjects in 1st semester to complete my masters, as I feel I may not cope with the same work load as before due to the distracting constant pain I feel.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba then Wickham Tce.

Tuesday 24th February

* Surgical review at the Royal Brisbane Hospital seeing Dr Hopkins- How is happy with my progress and that I am continuing to see Dr Clark, and feels there is no further treatment required for his area (gastroenterologist).
* 10:30am Physio appointment with Peter Stanton.
* Worked 1-5pm in Antenatal Clinic. Required an endone to get through shift as back pain was so bad.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Royal Brisbane Hospital then St Lucia then Woolongabba.

Wednesday 25th February

* Slept well due to taking medication before bed.
* Spent day with sister whom was supportive about my disappointment related to my current role at work.
* Did own hydrotherapy.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Bardon

Thursday 26th February

* Worked 8:30am till 12:30am. Had a good shift with improved concentration due to reduced pain.
* Making an effort to be positive about role at work and life in general.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba.

Friday 27th February

* 8:30am physio with Peter Stanton- worked on back. Back has had increased pain and tightness since the cordal injection.
* Did own hydrotherapy.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia

Saturday 28th February

* Went to Stradbroke Island with friends. Unable to ride a bike with everyone else due to the pain and pelvic injuries.
* Unable to camp due to back pain and sleeping on the ground triggering pain.
* Swam in ocean and did own hydrotherapy.
* Required extra pain relief to keep up with friends activities during the day.
Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Stradbroke Island.

Sunday 1st March

* Went shopping with friends and found it hard to walk and try shoes on due to left leg pain.
* Very tired and cranky at the end of the day due to the pain.
* Started the day with some hydrotherapy of my own.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Bardon.

Monday 2nd March

* Unable walk properly from the pain in my leg and back.
* Cried in my sleep. Required extra pain relief during the night and sleeping pill.
* Call into work and told them I was unable to work today.
* Went to dad’s and had acupuncture.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba

Tuesday 3rd March

* 9am appointment with physio Peter Stanton. Helped with the pain from yesterday.
* 12noon Hydro appointment with Marion Slattery.
* 2:45pm appointment with Dr Rice. Discussed regular pain relief required currently and coping with work hours?

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia, Albany Creek then Wickham Tce.

Wednesday 4th March

* Work 1-5pm. Had a better shift than prior and felt less pain and exhaustion at the end of it.
* 9am appointment with Thomas Clearly for bone realignment work.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Stretton then woolongabba.

Thursday 5th March

* 8am physio appointment with Peter Stanton.
* 10am Appointment with Dr Tran (GP)- decided to put work hours up to 3x 6hrly shifts per wk.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: St Lucia then Albany Creek.

Friday 6th March

* Worked 8:30 till 12:30pm. Good shift. Still back pain during and after shift.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba.

Saturday 7th March & Sunday 8th March

* Improved pain with pain relief over the weekend.
* did own hydrotherapy.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Monday 9th March

* Worked 11am- 5pm. Very sore back after work, required a nap and extra pain relief.
* Did own hydrotherapy in the morning.

Domestic Cares:

> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


To: Woolongabba.

Tuesday 10th March

Wednesday 11th March

Thursday 12th March

Friday 13th March

Saturday 14th March

Sunday 15th March

Monday 16th March

Tuesday 17th March

Wednesday 18th March

Thursday 19th March

Friday 20th March

Saturday 21st March

Sunday 22nd March

Monday 23rd March

Tuesday 24th March

Wednesday 25th March

Thursday 26th March
Friday 27th March

Saturday 28th March

Sunday 29th March

Monday 30th March

Tuesday 31st March

Daily Summary - September


Monday 1st September ‘08

Appointment with Dr Tran (GP): Had very high pain levels. Increased pain relief to 50mg of Kapanol am and pm.

Appointment with Marion Slatery (hydrotherapy). Painful session.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From: Dayboro
To: Albany Creek and back

Tuesday 2nd September ‘08

No appointments today. Lots of pain, stayed home.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Wednesday 3rd September ‘08

Lots of pain again. Not coping with the new medication and feeling quite psychotic. Had a big fight with mum, as I felt very out of control and overwhelmed by the constant pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From: Dayboro
To: Westend (to see a friend for some support)

Thursday 4th September ‘08

Appointment with Marion Slattery at 2pm (hydrotherapy). The pain was slightly better today and I had a improved hydro session.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From: Dayboro
To: Albany Creek aquatic center

Friday 5th September ‘08

Felt extremely groggy this morning from the drugs overnight. Having trouble sleeping through the night due to the side effects of the amitriptyline (dry mouth), waking up with a raw throat during the night.

1st appointment with Lawyer Robert Tidbury.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From: Dayboro
To: Spring Hill then City.

Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th September ’08

Stayed at dad’s. Feeling depressed over lack of ability to socialise with friends due to pain and mobility problems.
Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

Travel: Sunday trip home

From: Spring Hill
To: Dayboro

Monday 8th September ‘08

Appointment at 9:15am with Dr Tran (GP). Explained the effect of the new levels of drugs- decided to take levels down slightly, as I was feeling psychotic. Pain levels remained extreme.
Appointment at 2:30pm with Marion Slattery (hydrotherapy).

Remained feeling very depressed about situation following weekend.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From: Dayboro
To: Albany Creek

Tuesday 9th September ‘08

Appointment with Dr George Hopkins (surgical outpatients at the Royal Brisbane). Very brief appointment, Dr was happy with my progress which was encouraging.
Hydrotherapy appointment with Marion Slattery at 2:30pm.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning


From: Dayboro
To: Royal Brisbane/ Town
Then: Albany Creek to Dayboro
Wednesday 10th September ‘08

Exhausted from the pain today and feeling nauseated from the pain relief.

8:45am appointment at the royal Brisbane hospital- Good reports from the Doctors there.
3:15pm- MRI at the Windsor scan centre. Felt extremely sick during this scan.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Brisbane City (Royal Brisbane)

Thursday 11th September ‘08

Feeling better than yesterday, but still unable to do much for myself due to the pain.
10:30am appointment with Peter Stanton- UQ physio. Small improvement from the end of painful session.
2pm hydrotherapy appointment with Marion Slattery.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: St Lucia then Albany Creek

Friday 12th September ‘08

Had the help of my friend Leah Cowley today to allow mum to work. I went and got my tax done which Leah drove me to. Leah attended to all the domestic cares I was unable to do for myself as listed below.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Chermside

Saturday the 13th & Sunday the 14th September 08

Stayed at my dad’s over the weekend.
The relationship I was in broke up over this weekend. Both my ex boyfriend and I finding the new issues surrounding the accident and my constant pain an issue. Obviously a very upsetting experience to cope with on top of everything else.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Spring Hill
To Dayboro

Monday 15th September ‘08

First appointment with Sigrid O’Callagham (psychologist). Very teary session, helpful, but very hard to admit to the unhappiness that was resulting from the effects of the accident.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Albany Creek

Tuesday 16th September ‘08

Pain levels more tolerable today.
Had an eye check at Samford. Have not been able to see properly/ focus when reading since the accident. Was prescribed reading glasses- $210.

2pm Hydrotherapy appointment with Marion Slattery.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Samford then Albany Creek

Wednesday 17th September:

Extreme pain today. Was unable to sleep from it- crying in my sleep from the pain.
1pm Hydrotherapy appointment with Marion Slattery. Good session.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Albany Creek

Thursday 18th September ‘08

Appointment with Dr Tran 12:30pm. Feeling slightly more mobile today.
First appointment with Dr Jason Ray at Greenslopes hospital- regarding a cordal injection. I found him extremely unprofessional so I asked to see another Doctor for pain management for subsequent sessions- Was referred to Dr Rice.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Greenslopes

Friday 19th September ‘08

Anita Seward (friend of mine) helped me this day. She took me to my appointments, whilst mum had helped me with showering etc this morning.

Appointment at 9:30am physio with Peter Stanton.
Got all hair cut off at the hairdressers, as I was finding it hard to brush and maintain my hair due to the pain.

Feeling very distressed over effect on friends and family the burden of my injuries.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: St Lucia

Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st of September

Required assistance moving things from the house I was house sitting when I accident occurred.
Hannah, my sister was admitted to hospital for a infected cyst and required surgery. This was very upsetting for her and the family, but also very hard for my mum to continue to help me as much as I required whilst helping my sister. I was still using crutches at this stage and required help for everything including getting a drink of water or carrying my handbag.

Stayed at dad’s over the weekend

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

From: Dayboro
To: Spring Hill

Monday 22nd of September

Very hard to arrange getting what I needed from Dayboro and then getting to my appointments as my little sister was in hospital and my mother needed to attend to her.
Cancelled my hydrotherapy appointment to be with my sister and help with her dressing. I was asked to do Hannah’s sterile dressing everyday as I am a nurse.
I felt very upset due to the unfortunate event that my sister was in hospital now. It was hard as I still very much relied on my mum and felt like I was taking her away from my sister her needed her too. I was also finding it very hard to cope with the fact that I am the ‘nurse’ the ‘carer’ of the family and I could no longer fulfil that role as I was in so much constant pain I have nothing left to give.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: Royal Brisbane Hospital

Tuesday 23rd of September

Appointment at 12noon with Marion Slattery, hydrotherapy.
Appointment at 2:30pm with Hugh English- Orthopedic Specialist at the Holy Spirit Hospital.
I was still feeling quite depressed due to the fact I was so dependant at time which felt particularly burdensome for my family.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: Albany Creek, then Holy Spirit Chermside
Wednesday 24th of September

Appointment with Psychologist at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
It felt extremely good to discuss the many emotional hurdles occurring since the accident.
Appointment at 2pm with Marion Slattery, hydrotherapy.

Hannah remains in hospital.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: Brisbane city (royal hospital) then Albany Creek

Thursday 25th September

Appointment at 12noon with physio, Peter Stanton. Felt increased pain after the appointment. Physio and I devised an exercise plan with physio.
Taken to the appointment by mum, picked up and taken to the royal hospital with a cab.
Appointment at 1:50pm surgical case review- appointment cancelled without notice.
Hannah was discharged from hospital today. Still not coping with the burden I am feeling on the family. The pain remains at a level which is hard to cope with constantly although I am on large amounts of pain relief.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: St Lucia then Royal brisbane

Friday 26th September

Appointment with dentist due to sore jaw. I have been grinding my teeth due to the pain, in my sleep ever since the accident. Dentist recommended a jaw guard for sleeping with.
Went to the GP for legal paper. Also discussed increased pain since weaning off Kapanol- decided to not continue decreasing kapanol due to large amounts of pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

To: Newmarket then to Albany Creek

Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th September

Leave for family holidays at Caloundra. Arranged to have bottom level apartment in order to mobilise better. Recommended not to swim in the ocean due to my lack of strength and balance. Only swam in resort pool and did hydrotherapy exercises there.

I was still feeling very depressed that the pain I was feeling was increasing horribly as I was trying to wean down on the drugs. I can barely walk on the gravel without shoes due to the pain.

Domestic Cares:
> Showering
> Cooking
> Laundry
> Driving
> Cleaning

No travel related to appointments

Monday 29th September- Friday 3rd October

Away at Caloundra on family holidays. Very high pain level throughout holiday and continued to feel very depressed throughout holiday.